Friday, 1 August 2014

Happy Breastfeeding Month!

Updated 6 September 2017

The United States Breastfeeding Committee started National Breastfeeding Month on August 6, 2011. Countries all over the world celebrate WBW (World Breastfeeding Week). Whether you celebrate it for a week or a month, there are lots of activities you can participate in. There are events worldwide, such as the Big Latch On and Latch on America: A Cross Country Tour. Korea's no exception; La League League Seoul also participated in the Latch On.

 The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
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Recommended Websites

Facts and Figures

Recommended Material
Breastfeeding Made Simple
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Interesting Articles

Breastfeeding and Alcohol
From Gini Baker, IBCLC. The half-life of alcohol is about 90 minutes. Some people say 1 hour, others say 2 hours. That means it peaks at that point, then it starts to leave your system. There is NO need to throw away breastmilk. You do NOT have to pump and dump. Why waste breastmilk?

What you should do is pump and save in small quantities of 20 ml. Then you put it in your freezer for about 3-6 months, depending on the type of freezer you have. Label it appropriately, like *drinking* or *alcohol*, whatever you want to help you remember.

The freezer helps break the alcohol (and milk) down. Then you can mix that milk with non-drinking milk. This does two things: the vessel (your baby) that gets the milk with alcohol will be bigger in three months than they are now, so it has less of an effect. Second, it's a smaller dosage. Whereas before your baby may have only drunk 40 ml now they're drinking 100 ml, so 20 ml is a smaller part of the milk.

Dads Can Help Too
Here are some photos of using feeding tubes to feed babies.
Korea vs. the World
I've written about breastfeeding in public in Korea and have mentioned breastfeeding in many other posts as well. Many doctors in Korea will tell you to breastfeed for only 100 days or only 6 months. Research has shown that if you don't breastfeed for at least a year you have to supplement with formula. As to the cut-off age, there really isn't one. The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends at least a year. WHO (World Health Organisation) and UNICEF recommend at least 2 years. At least doesn't mean you stop then, it means the minimum you should breastfeed for.

Tender Embrace Birthing offers childbirth, breastfeeding, and newborn care classes and support.

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