Friday, 25 September 2015

Recommended Books about Fatherhood

There are so many books out there that it's easy to get overwhelmed. Here are some books that consistently get good reviews. The Book Depository has free shipping to Korea. What the Book in Itaewon can get most books for you. Amazon might be a good option if you have someone coming to visit or can buy the Kindle version of the book. The descriptions are based off of Amazon's descriptions.

Do Fathers Matter?: What Science is Telling Us About the Parent We've Overlooked
Written by Paul Raeburn

Traditionally fathers have been authoritative figures who provide for their children financially. New studies show how fathers changes when their partner is pregnant, how they affect their child's speech, if a child can influence their father's health, and more. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository.

Great Expectations: Becoming a Dad: The First Three Years
Written by John C. Carr LCSW

The author is a social worker and psychotherapist who discusses all the how-to's as well as the emotional side of being a father. He also talks about the crucial impact a father has on his child and why they need to be there from the start. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository.

When I First Held You: 22 Critically Acclaimed Writers Talk About Triumphs, Challenges, and Transformative Experience of Fatherhood
Written by Brian Gresko

Becoming a father is a life-changing event. This book contains stories about deciding to have children, birthing, tantrums, and letting a teen out into the world. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tender Embrace Birthing offers childbirth, breastfeeding, and newborn care classes and support.

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